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Name Location

1) Perry White's EIC Pass Metropolis Midtown
2) Steve Lombard's Metrodome Pass Metropolis Midtown
3) Ron Troupe's City Hall Pass Metropolis Downtown
4) Cat Grant's Club L'Excellence Pass Metropolis Midtown
5) Lana Lang's University Pass Metropolis Midtown
6) Jimmy Olsen's Photolab Pass Metropolis Midtown
7) Lois Lane's LexCorp Pass (stolen) Metropolis Midtown
8) Lois Lane's White House Pass Metropolis Midtown
9) Clark Kent's Metropolis City Hall Pass Metropolis Midtown
10) Clark Kent's STAR Labs Pass Metropolis Midtown
Game Information
Official SOE DCUO website. PC version of the game can be downloaded here for free.
Official forums
Batman: Arkham City Game of the Year Edition