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Boardwalk Assault

Level: 5

Required CR: none

Required DLC: none

Start Area: Metropolis Little Bohemia

Mission Giver: Lieutenant Harlin

Story: Destroy Grodd's fuel cells and teleportation units.


1) Destroy Fuel Cells on the Boardwalk (0/20)

2) Gorilla teleporters are supplying the front line with fuel cells. Disable the Teleporters to disrupt the supply line. (0/5)

Cash: 7

Reward: Soder Cola x2


Lieutenant Harlin is standing on top of a building near the Boardwalk in Little Bohemia.

Go to the Boardwalk and destroy 20 of the Fuel Cells. They are the red barrels.

Then you will need to disable 5 of the Teleporters. 'E' them and after a couple of seconds, they will blow up. You will have to defeat some of Gorilla Technicians and Troopers.