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Bye Bye Succubi

Level: 7

Required CR: none

Required DLC: none

Start Area: Metropolis Tomorrow District

Mission Giver: Doctor Cantun

Story: Test Doctor Cantun's preliminary research on Trigon Succubi to see if you can free the corrupted humans within.


1) Test Doctor Cantun's concoction on Trigon Succubi in the area (0/10).

Cash: 9

Reward: Soder Cola x2


Doctor Cantun is in the Tomorrow District near the Science Police HQ.

You will need to help her test out her concoction on the Succubi in the area. Defeat the Succubi, then use the potion on them by using 'E'. You will need to do this to 10 of them.

Game Information
Official SOE DCUO website. PC version of the game can be downloaded here for free.
Official forums
Batman Arkham Asylum: Game of the Year