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Giganta Girl

Level: 12

Required CR: none

Required DLC: none

Start Area: none

Mission Giver: Automatic after finishing Destroy The Barrier

Story: Revert Giganta's failed ritual and free Wonder Girl.


1) Defeat Giganta and talk to Wonder Girl.

Cash: 62



Head to the Metro Station Building in Metropolis Tomorrow District and enter.

The Metro Station is full of Amazons fighting Beastiamorphs. Help the Amazons by defeating the Beastiamorphs. Defeat all of them and receive a feat for defeating at least 60 of them.

Help the Amazons that have fallen in battle and they will help you defeat the Beastiamorphs.

You will need to defeat General Tehytus to get past the gate.

Giganta has captured Wonder Girl and is trying to transfer herself into Wonder Girl's body.

You will need to destroy 20 of the crystals to reverse the spell. Destroy them by bumping into them.

Once the spell has been reversed, you can defeat Giganta.

After you whip Giganta's big ole behind, talk to Wonder Girl.

Game Information
Official SOE DCUO website. PC version of the game can be downloaded here for free.
Official forums
Batman Arkham Asylum: Game of the Year