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Meta Malpractice

Level: 12

Required CR: none

Required DLC: none

Start Area: Metropolis Little Bohemia PD

Mission Giver: Doctor Sarah Charles

Story: Rescue metahuman patients escaping from LexCorp's metahuman wing at Metropolis General Hospital.


1) Travel to Metropolis General Hospital.

2) Secure Metahuman Patients in STAR Labs containment spheres and transport them to safety (0/10).

3) Defeat LexCorp Security (0/20).

Cash: 62

Reward: Clasped Belt Of The Protector
Style: New Genesis
Slot: Waist
Defense: 53
Health: 20
Power: 10
Precision: 6
Might: 11
Item Level: 11


Speak with Doctor Sarah Charles in the Little Bohemia Police Station and she will give you your next mission.

She needs you to head to the Metropolis General Hospital and help rescue some Metahuman Patients from LexCorp. Carry the Metahuman Patients to the Safe Zone.

The LexCorp Security are trying to contain the Metahuman Patients. Put a stop to them!

Game Information
Official SOE DCUO website. PC version of the game can be downloaded here for free.
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DC Direct Batman: Arkham City: Series 1: Batman Action Figure