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What's In The Box?

Level: 13

Required CR: none

Required DLC: none

Start Area: Joker's Funhouse

Mission Giver: Detective Preston

Story: Free captured GCPD Officers from booby-trapped presents.


1) Unwrap trapped cops (0/3).

Cash: 13

Reward: Clown Clobber Band
Style: none
Slot: Ring
Defense: 0
Health: 35
Power: 0
Precision: 1
Might: 2
Item Level: 11


Detective Preston is just inside of the Joker's Funhouse.

He needs you to rescue the GCPD Officers that the Joker's Clowns have trapped inside of the giant presents. Beware! Some contain booby-traps!

Game Information
Official SOE DCUO website. PC version of the game can be downloaded here for free.
Official forums
DC Direct Batman: Arkham City: Series 1: Batman Action Figure